Prime cattle prices continued to climb in the week ending 17 July. The GB all prime average stayed strong at 400.8p/kg, with price increases recorded across most categories and specifications. Overall steers averaged 401.2p/kg, up 0.2p on the week, while those meeting the R4L specification rose by 1.3p to 411.0p/kg. Heifer prices rose too, overall by 1.4p to 401.3p/kg while those meeting the R4L specification increased by 2.4p to 411.4p/kg.
Estimated prime slaughter fell compared with the previous week, by 1000 head to 30,700.
Overall cow prices fell in the week ending 17 July, by 0.6p to 291.7p/kg, although those meeting the -O4L specification rose in price to 310.9p/kg. Estimated slaughter fell by 600 head to 9,600.