AHDB reports:
Another week of stability for GB cattle prices
In the week ending 4 November the GB all prime average deadweight cattle price remained unchanged at 359.61p/kg. GB cattle prices have been in a relatively tight range for a couple of weeks now, suggesting that supply and demand are relatively well balanced at the moment. Although, with Christmas around the corner, at least for buying programmes, that could change in the coming weeks. Estimated throughputs were 31,600 head, a marginal decrease week on week.
There was some variation in prices across different categories, with the overall average price for steers rising by 0.9p to 361p/kg and those meeting R4L specification rising by 1.3p to 376.8p/kg. Overall, heifers fell in price by half a penny to 361.7p/kg; however R4L carcases rose by 0.7p on the week to 373.3p/kg. The overall young bull measure fell by 5.7p week on week to 333p/kg, R3 carcases rose by 4p to 358.6p/kg, but those meeting R4L specification stayed almost unchanged at 350p/kg.

Estimated throughputs of cows rose in the week ending 4 November to 12,500 head. The overall average deadweight cow price was relatively stable on the week, rising just 0.3p to 231.1p/kg, while those animals meeting –O4L specification fell by half a penny to 260.